2012 NLCS: Game Six

Game starts in just a few.
Carpenter (n., A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures)
Vogelsong (n., birdsong, from German. The musical vocalizations of a bird, typically uttered by a male songbird in characteristic bursts or phrases for territorial purposes.)

October 21, 2012: For Our Padre

In honor of National Pastoral Care Week, we at the WGOM (and I mean all of us, since nearly everyone was in on this as long as we had their email address) would like to recognize the man who gives us endless amounts of content, recognizes each of us as well as our family members throughout the year, and has a calming effect on some of the surlier members of the site (ahem). Jeff, enjoy a week dedicated to your presence at the WGOM.

Everyone Else.

Continue reading October 21, 2012: For Our Padre

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.