I'll let you all in on a little secret. After the last vote I commissioned a focus group to try and tweak the rules to make this process a little more enjoyable long-term. I'm sure the tweaking isn't finished, as we want this process to be fun, not laborious. We're hopeful that the changes will make each new ballot more interesting as well as allowing us to speed through the years a bit faster.
Changes Now In Effect
1. Name change! This was unanimous and suggested by CarterHayes. Perhaps it will also put less pressure on people to vote "correctly." Big thanks to hungry joe for making the changes.
2. Daneeka's Ghost has created a voting history spreadsheet. A link to it is below. It's pretty amazing. Hopefully this spreadsheet along with Brian's will help people with their voting process.
3. Threshold to remain on the ballot has risen to 25%. If this had been in effect for the previous two elections, we'd already have seven fewer people around.
4. You can only use your Maybe vote on 25% of the ballot. For each ballot I will provide you with a max number.
5. After three times on a ballot, players will no longer have a Maybe option next to their name. They deserve a firm answer after 2-3 months of thinking about it.
Other Discussion Points
Some proposed limiting the number of times someone can be on a ballot. Majority decided that it's too early to place such a restriction, but this may be revisited if some players stay on for a while with little movement.
Discussion occurred regarding skipping around eras. Majority decided to keep things going chronologically for the sake of continuity and keeping the ballot more of an organic process.
Some thought that once we reach the 20th century, there will be fewer people remaining on the ballot year after year. Some felt the opposite, as views will be more entrenched as voters will be more confident, forcing us to kick people off after a while. We shall see.
1894-1896 Ballot
I am only listing the new people below. I went just over 30 people for this ballot to keep things moving. I'm hopeful we'll have many people fall off after this one and things will become a little saner. There are 24 returning players and 9 new ones.
Returning Players to the Ballot
Voting History Spreadsheet
Brian's Player Spreadsheet
New Pitchers
Ice Box Chamberlain
John Clarkson
Tony Mullane
New Batters
Pete Browning
Oyster Burns
Charlie Comiskey
Jack Glasscock
Tommy McCarthy
Monte Ward