An oldie but a goodie. Live from pickathon.
An oldie but a goodie. Live from pickathon.
Stayed up for the west coast ballgame, and couldn't put together a Co'C? Huh.
Jimmy McAleer (1864)
Bobby Lowe (1865)
John Heydler (1869)
Wayne Blackburn (1914)
Paul Pryor (1927)
Gene Alley (1940)
Hal McRae (1945)
Bob Bailor (1951)
Andre Dawson (1954)
Buddy Groom (1965)
Lee Stevens (1967)
Marty Cordova (1969)
John Heydler was the president of the National League from 1918-1934.
Wayne Blackburn was a minor league infielder from 1936-1956. Â He drew over 1,400 walks in his career.
Paul Pryor was a National League umpire from 1961-1981 and is an alumnus of the author’s alma mater, the University of South Dakota.
Who wants to stay up and watch this one with me, assuming I actually do so myself? If you'd said before the season that the Twins would be 40-49 going into game ninety I probably would have been pretty happy about it, but considering how long we played .500 ball, I remain somewhat apathetic, particularly as one of my other teams - the Mariners - continue to play well enough to keep me engaged.
Two 7-7 rookies, Kyle Gibson and Roenis Elias, go today. Elias strikes out his share of guys - not quite one an inning, but fairly close - and doesn't walk many. He skipped AAA and opened the season with the Mariners and seems to be the exact same pitcher he was in AA.
I suppose I'll probably catch this while wishing we could just fast-forward to Dozier in the Derby. But what the hell: go Twins!
A good game for Alex Meyer! Â New Hampshire sweeps a doubleheader! Â A big day for J. D. Williams!
People are just crazy for that ol' time music these days.
Two days ago a frantic Skim ran into the house and told me to come out with her. She said it was too immediately important to tell me. I went out and a guy had jumped the curb and was stuck on the sidewalk, unconscious in his car about 15 feet from my front door, if that. The only reason he didn't take out the stairs to the above apartment was that he scraped the side of the car to his right and had gotten stuck on the fender. The police came and had to take a nightstick to the backseat (he didn't wake up) and go in that way to help. Turns out he has heart issues. I'm not sure where things are at this point, but hopefully that's the closest my daughters ever get to getting run down on the sidewalk.
Jack Powell (1874)
Buck Herzog (1885)
Glenn Myatt (1897)
Wally Post (1929)
Marty Springstead (1937)
Mike Andrews (1943)
Sonny Jackson (1944)
Hal Haydel (1944)
Steve Luebber (1949)
Willie Wilson (1955)
Marty Springstead was an American League umpire from 1966-1986. Â He later was a supervisor of umpires.
Match 62 - 15: Nederland v. República Argentina