Category Archives: Cup of Coffee

The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.

March 22, 2017: So long St. Paul

Today is my employer's last day in St. Paul. Everyone needs to be packed up today and then "working" from home Thursday-Friday while a lot of stuff gets moved. Then we show up at the fancy new digs in Bloomington on Monday with sunglasses and sunscreen because we'll be getting a lot more sun in a proper office tower. I'll miss the single-leg commute but not much else of the current building.

March 19, 2017: Baylor

In our pool I went from 1st place to 8th place in one day as I only got 2 of 7 games correct yesterday. However, I still have all final four teams still going, including Baylor, the school my cousin goes to.

In good news, she just agreed to be our live-in nanny this summer. So hats off to her, and go Baylor!