Happy Birthday–September 19

Yank Robinson (1859)
Stuffy McInnis (1890)
Roger Angell (1920)
Epitacio Torres (1921)
Bob Murphy (1924)
Duke Snider (1926)
Bob Turley (1930)
Bill Williams (1930)
Chris Short (1937)
Joe Morgan (1943)
Joe Ferguson (1946)
Masaji Hiramatsu (1947)
Joe Maddon (1954)
Charlie Reliford (1955)
Randy Myers (1962)
Jim Abbott (1967)
Pedro Munoz (1968)
Javier Valentin (1975)
Mike Smith (1977)
Scott Baker (1981)
Danny Valencia (1984)

Continue reading Happy Birthday–September 19

Third Monday Movie Day

Movie of the Month: The Reef (2010, Andrew Traucki)

I saw at least five very good movies this month. This wasn't one of them.

Ugh...okay. This one has gotten fair reviews, actually, and in some ways I can see why. It's unconventional. It's artfully shot. It's full of talented, though largely unknown, Australian actors.

The thing, though, is that there's not much that can be done with a movie predicated on four people attempting to make a very long swim while hoping not to get eaten by a great white shark that follows them for miles and picks them off one by one. There's a long scene where the four people swim, and there's some tension, or maybe a little comic relief. Then, there's another. And another. And that's it, because the only characters in the movie are the ones in the water. So, the vast open sea can occasionally be nice to look at, but you'll be looking at it for a long time.

Director Andrew Traucki mentioned that he's drawn to horror that's based on true stories (this one is, but don't take that too seriously; the changes were pronounced) because the tension feels so honest, and the enemy is so believable. That's great, but if I'm watching a horror movie, I can't get into a film where the enemy is a shark because he has no motive, and if I'm watching a drama I can't get into the film because the enemy is so completely unbeatable there's no reason to invest in the lives of the characters.

The worst thing, though, is that there's a protagonist but I can't figure out why. He's an experienced diver with model-looks who has a romantic backstory with one character, but as a protagonist, he can't provide much besides being the character with the most screen time. Spoilers abound starting here, by the way.

A film's lead character's job is essentially to drive the story forward, and there's literally no way for this character to do that. The complication arises, and the character convinces the others they have to swim because the boat, now overturned, will float further into the sea and they'll die of starvation. That decision is his only real contribution to the story. He never gets any licks in on the shark and he's powerless to do anything but swim a lot. The film tries to fool you into thinking he's driving the story by always focusing on his face when the shark's around, but he just dips his head underwater, watches for it, and that's it. There's nothing he can do. The shark might attack and easily grab one of his friends, or it might not. Not only does he do nothing about it, the film never even teases you by making you believe he could do something about it.

Almost everyone dies, so the one thing he did do - convince them all to swim - was a death sentence.

Then, in the end, the shark gets him as one horrified survivor watches him disappear into the sea, having never done anything particularly helpful up until the moment the shark kills him. My hero.

Urge Overkill – Positive Bleeding

many thanks to DK for a great week. please forgive me for jumping on his coattails and also playing a band with 2+ established singers. chicago based urge overkill should have received a lot more love than they did, but, alas, it was not to be. nash and the king traded off vocal duties about 50/50, but it's nash taking the mic on this track.


please ignore the team rocket-esque t-shirts; they really were one of the best dressed bands in the business. also, nash, while being one of the ugliest men in rock 'n' roll, had one of the best voices in my opinion, and some nice chops besides.

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Sunday Dinner: Wine and cider braised spare ribs.

I'm off the pork kick for at least one post. I've been searching for a recipe that will deliver bold, complex flavors without too many ingredients and too much prep, and while searching for a rye bread recipe I stumbled across the Smitten Kitchen. Deb Perelman's site is a fascinating read with a huge variety of recipes covering everything from light fare to the most rich and decadent food ever created. Her recipe for braised beef spare ribs is certainly one of the outliers on the rich and decadent end of the graph. This dish has it all. Tender meat braised in a rich sauce, oven roasting, swiss chard (if you go whole hog), and smashed potatoes to soak up the pan sauce. Seriously, one of the most excellent meals that I have ever cooked for myself. You'll need:

6 beef short ribs, about 14 to 16 ounces each (ask for 3 bone center-cut) - I used one package of ribs which contained 4 small to medium sized bone in ribs
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon thyme leaves, and 4 whole sprigs thyme
1 tablespoon freshly cracked black pepper
3 dozen small pearl onions
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup diced onion
1/3 cup diced carrot
1/3 cup diced celery
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 1/2 cups port - I didn't have any port, I substituted apple cider (the unfiltered kind) to great effect
2 1/2 cups hearty red wine
6 cups beef or veal stock - I didn't have any beef stock either, so I used some home made chicken stock
4 sprigs flat-leaf parsley
2 bunches Swiss chard, cleaned, center ribs removed - I used the red stuff (Doc, how's that for aesthetics?)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

The day before you'll need to sprinkle the ribs with the thyme and black pepper rubbing the spices into the meat with your hands. Before cooking the ribs you'll want to allow the ribs to come up to room temperature by letting them sit on your counter for 30 or so minutes giver or take. Preheat the oven to 425˚, toss the pearl onions in 2 tbs of olive oil, sprinkle them with salt, pepper, and a tsp of thyme, and spread them out onto a baking sheet. Roast the onions for ~ 15 ish minuets, until tender. Remove the onions and turn the oven down to 325˚.

Sprinkle a healthy amount of salt over the meaty side of the ribs after they've warmed up to room temp. In a dutch oven, or heavy frying pan, heat 3 tbs olive oil over medium high heat. When the oil shimmers and is nearly smoking add the ribs. This is one of the more important steps. Brown the meat on all sides, don't be impatient, and don't crowd the pan with too many ribs. After they're browned transfer the ribs to a plate and let rest. Return the dutch oven to medium heat and add the onion, carrots, celery, bay leaves, and thyme sprigs. Cook the veggies for a few minutes, stirring often, until the onion begins to caramelize. Add the port, wine, and balsamic to the pan and increase the heat to high. Bring the works to a boil stirring and scraping up any browned bits of fond on the bottom of the pan, and reduce the volume of liquid by half. Add the stock and return to a boil. Place the ribs into the dutch oven, they should be nearly completely submerged, bone side up with the parsley sprigs nestled between the ribs. Cover the pot and place in the oven. These should cook for anywhere between 2.5 and 3 hours, mine were done in about 2 1/4 hours, but I left them in the braise a bit longer for good measure. The meat is done when a knife is easily inserted, or when the bone falls out and the meat shreds itself. Let the ribs rest for a few minutes before transferring them to a baking sheet. Increase the oven temp to 400˚, and roast the ribs for 10-15 minutes. You're looking to add a crispy texture to add a dimension to the overall eating experience. I was nervous about braising these all day and then burning the crap out of them at the last minute. They'll look pretty black, but, trust me, there's more than enough fat to self baste these things. Strain the braising liquid, removing the veggies, into a sauce pan, and skim the fat from the juices. You can boil to reduce the sauce, or serve it as is. I chose to reduce the sauce by almost more than half, and still had more than enough for both of our meals plus left overs.

I left the stalks intact on my chard as that's never bothered me before, it's more of a texture preference than anything else. Heat up 3 tbs of olive oil in a pan over medium high heat and stir in the pearl onions. Add half of the chard and stir frequently cooking until the leaves wilt. Add the remaining half with a splash of water, a quarter teaspoon of salt, and a dash of black pepper and cook until the leaves are all wilted and tender.

Plate the ribs on top of the chard and spoon the pan sauce liberally over the whole works. Serve this with some smashed potatoes to soak up the sauce and you won't be disappointed.

Seriously, I loved this dish, and I think it would be a killer way to braise a brisket.

Game 151: Indians at Twins

Masterson vs. Pavano

Don't blink. This could go quick. Pavano has pitched well against his former team and Masterson is facing the Twins, so don't expect much offense.

The Twins need to go 4-8 to avoid 100 losses. I'm not sure it really matters, but maybe it could motivate the Twins to show a little more inspired play. They also need to go 2-10 to avoid the Twins' worst record. Fortunately, the franchise record of 113 losses (in 154 games!!) is safe. The Twins need to go winless and finish the season with 19 consecutive losses to have the Twins' worst record all to themselves. Doesn't seem all that unlikely at this point.

Some other races to look at: Can Benson set the Twins' rookie record for stolen bases? Can the Twins have a game with no players from the Opening Day lineup play in the game? Who will have the worst batting average: Butera, Rivera or Tosoni? Will any Twin get to 20 home runs (Cuddyer's at 18, Valencia 15)? Will anyone get to 70 RBIs (Valencia at 69, Cuddyer 65)?


Spoon – The Beast and Dragon, Adored

I was thinking about playing something really weird to end it here, with lots of cheesy synths, because if we've learned anything this week, I think it's that I have a healthy appetite for cheesy synths. But I decided to just give you some Spoon instead, for MPR's own 89.3 The Current. Thanks to the VJs for giving me the reins this week, and to everyone for indulging my tastes, past and present.


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Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.