WGOM Fitness: October 5, 2012, H 2 the O

Last night after work, I raked the yard. I do have a leaf blower, but I decided that since I hadn't gone to the gym, a better idea was to rake the leaves. We have some trees and our ash trees have started deciduating. I filled our 64 gallon container and eight more 30 gallon bags. I fully expect to do that many leaves about three more times this fall.

It was a windy afternoon, but in the parts of the yard that were sheltered by the house, it was rather enjoyable out there. I worked up a pretty good sweat. But, the one thing I think I've been really negligent about the last couple of weeks is keeping up with the hydration. I haven't done a good enough job regularly drinking water and I think that has contributed to a slowing of my weight loss pace.

This morning, I went to the gym and I did a 50 minute bike ride. I upped my target heart rate by five and that resulted in a big jump in the number of calories that I burned. I ended up burning almost 500 calories on the bike. I know that shorter, harder interval type rides might be better, but frankly, I like the longer rides. I really enjoyed it today and I felt pretty strong. So, I was happy about that. I will probably stay at this elevated rate for a while and see what happens. Eventually, I will work up more.

Weight: 247.9
Total Loss: 36.6
BMI: 30.56

2 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: October 5, 2012, H 2 the O”

  1. I think doing workouts that you enjoy is really the key. It is hard enough to fit them in to your schedule in the first place.

    I know I should do more strength and flexibility work but I dislike it. I know I will just make excuses and not do it. Instead I run and bike because I like to do it.

    I think it also helps for a workout to be social. I know it is easier said than done but I know when I am meeting neighbors to go on a bike ride on the weekend, I am much more likely to do it and I enjoy it more.

  2. 4M yesterday. Lite XT (bike ride) tonite (45min). Tomorrow morning group run (only 5 miles - w00t!), but like Algonad says, these are much more enjoyable as group runs. Plan to carry water (a new routine for > 3 mile runs for me).

    Next Saturday is the Half Marathon. Hope for good weather.

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