70s + 80s = ???
70s + 80s = ???
It's Global Wind Day! Go hug your local turbine today.
Twins go cheap with the first pick and draft shortstop Royce Lewis. Later competitive balance picks were the raker Rooker and Canadian northpaw Landon Leach. I know a lot of people were grumbling about not drafting Minnesota arm Sam Carlson, but, eh, it's all a crapshoot anyway.
Congrats, champs. I don't see how any team could have possibly beaten them.
Who's it gonna be!?
Nice to see Span again. I love he's rocking the full beard, even with a touch of grey.
We'll be accepting Summer Mix suggestions through the weekend, then we'll be banging it out shortly after that. Please put your candidates in SPOILER form below. Please list up to 3 choices (further choices will be ignored). The first choice is automatically in, and the other 2 choices will be put in a pool to be selected from to fill out the mix.
Feel free to drop some lists too.
Nice try, Mummy.