I'm told there's a big new fancy documentary coming out about ol' Kurt. Could be interesting.
I'm told there's a big new fancy documentary coming out about ol' Kurt. Could be interesting.
Startin' the weekend on a funky note.
It's Friday. Just try and stop me.
Alright so, I'm still pretty undecided on these guys. Any compelling arguments?
(To be sure, these guys aren't to be confused with VietNam)
Mr. Sledge passed away last week, and we'd like to spend a moment in acknowledgement.
Sorry, busy night. Here's a Twins game log, should you need it.
Many thanks to bjhess for an awesome DJ week.
Here's a song for your, ahem, Monday blues.
(from the game log)
"Zero wins first series, one win second series. I predict two wins this series! Sorry Jeff, I don't think the Twins are going to reach 157-5 and we'll have to settle for 156-6."
"Reminds me of the time Gardy trotted out a _elmon, Cuddy, Kubel outfield during interleague play. Except now it's three statues every day!"
"You know it's bad when the KC guys are throwing sympathy bones, considering how bad they had it for so long."
"On the plus side, Trevor May pitched well for five innings, and his line would still look good if he'd had some defense and a bullpen to back him up. Turns out sean was right. We'll just have to settle for 156-6!"
-Jeff A
We inaugurate a new year with our own home opener. If the first 6 games are any indication, this should be a pretty exciting year!
Continue reading 2015 Game 7: Kansas City Royals vs. Minnesota Twins
It's been a fun week in Austin, but will bring it to a close with an artist that makes regular appearances on FMD lists.
Coming up next: bjhess week