Category Archives: Cup of Coffee

The “Cup of Coffee” is the daily post where the Citizens are free to chat about whatever they want. Topics that prove sufficiently popular often migrate to their own, dedicated post.

Cup of Coffee, November 22, 2016: Sleeping In and OMG

I'd suspect that maybe Spooky hasn't gotten up in Arizona yet, but I've seen him wandering the store in Eagan a couple of times, so I know that he's just sleeping in or somesuch.

Also, my mother was finishing her first quarter of college on November 22, 1963. I finished my first quarter of college on November 22, 1983. The quarter system is all gone now and most people think of JFK as some relic of history. But, even 20 years after the fact, it was still pretty fresh in a lot of people's minds, kind of like on 9/11/21 we will still recall that awful day.

I did get a chance to see the JFK Presidential Library this summer. It was pretty fantastic. Their treatment of that awful day 53 years ago was stark and simple. The date was written in white on a black wall and a television showed Walter Cronkite announcing the news and taking off his glasses. Very, very powerful.