Tag Archives: WGOM featured

Spring is sprung.

Got in a 7 mile group run on Saturday, then on Sunday did the Bimbler's Bash trail run in a State park in Guilford, CT.  They said 10K'ish, but it was easily 7 miles.  Some running, but mostly crawling up rocks and around mud pits.  Proceeds go to maintaining the trails.

Tho't I'd be sore on Monday, but I felt good enough to log 16 hilly miles on my bike in balmy CT temps yesterday.  Today, however, I can feel the acid in my legs.  Le sigh.

This weekend a 6 mile taper run, then Cheshire Half Marathon the following Sunday.

Started reading Chi Marathon (book I bought NBBW but she hasn't picked it up - kinda like the bowling ball Homer gave to Marge).  So far I like the concepts (train hard -> train smart, force your body -> listen to your body).  I'm sure I'll do another post on it as I get through it)...

WGOM Half-Baked Hall: 1927-1929

We have now reached 60 years of baseball history. After this ballot, we'll have about 85 left. We're oh so close to the era of home runs.

If you were underwhelmed by any big names during the 1920's, be prepared to be overwhelmed now. The question is will we break our record of five inductees in one ballot?

BALLOT DUE: Thursday, April 16

Final Ballot

Addie Joss
Clark Griffith

New Batters

George Burns (yes, two ballots in a row with this name)
Max Carey
Ty Cobb
Johnny Evers
Jack Fournier
Heinie Groh
Stuffy McInnis
Roger Peckinpaugh
Wally Pipp
Ray Schalk
Billy Southworth
Tris Speaker
Zack Wheat
Ken Williams

New Pitchers

Bullet Joe Bush
Stan Coveleski
Walter Johnson
Bob Shawkey
Urban Shocker


Last Ballot

The Nation Has An Appetite: Ratatouille

Per the earlier discussion, I'm going to describe how I make ratatouille here. Truth be told, I had never known the dish until some recipe showed up on some site someday telling me how to do it this way. So maybe this isn't even real ratatouille? Whatever you want to call it, it's delicious.

Also, sorry I don't have any pictures. The vegetables haven't been in season, so it hasn't been made for a while.

Ok, fine, here's a picture.

Spoiler SelectShow

And with that...

1 eggplant
1 zucchini (we often use more)
1 summer squash
1 large onion (I prefer more)
Enough tomatoes to cover the entire dish liberally
Other veggies as desired (peppers, for example)

1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 cup olive oil
Fresh basil leaves, torn or cut into 1-inch pieces
Thyme, Oregano, other traditional spices as desired (I'm going to use Herbs de Provence the next time I make this)
Salt & pepper to taste
Red wine vinegar, to taste

Italian cheese blend (or other cheese that you prefer)
French bread, sliced.

Chop the vegetables into 1-inch or smaller pieces. Tomatoes should be seeded and given a fine dice. Toss together in a large baking dish, with olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, etc. Bake at 400°F for 45 minutes, or so. Make sure they don't roast too quickly. Remove the vegetables from the oven, and add the basil and vinegar. Stir, then spoon out small cavities into which you will crack the eggs. I usually heap as many eggs into the pan as I can fit. Cover with cheese (I always add too much, but "mmmmmmm...cheese."), and place back into the oven, until eggs achieve desired doneness. Spoon over slices of french bread to serve.

Half-Baked Hall: 1920-1923

After a few ballots in a row with inner-circle players, it appears the early 20's was a time when old players just kept on playing, were permanently banned for gambling, or were killed on the field. There are only two Black Sox on this ballot. And a dude who was named after something he didn't do all that often.

Ballot Due: Tuesday, February 24

Player Stats

Last Time On The Ballot

Jack Beckley
Jimmy Collins

New Hitters

Frank "Home Run" Baker
Donie Bush
Ray Caldwell
Ray Chapman
Larry Doyle
Art Fletcher
Shoeless Joe Jackson
Clyde Milan
Slim Sallee
Hippo Vaughn

New Pitchers

Eddie Cicotte
Ed Konetchy
Smoky Joe Wood

Clad Them in Bubble Wrap

In among the many, many movie-related comments in Tuesday’s Movie Day post was this bit from Zee German, “I was trying to recall at what age I could really start roaming the neighborhood . . . probably 8-9-10 or somewhere in there.” A few people chimed in with thoughts, and it seemed to me there was more we could talk about in a dedicated FKB post.

As a parent of youngish kids (4.5 years and 1.5 years), I’m in the early stages of dealing with this stuff. So I guess I’m curious to know not just how much freedom people give their kids but also how they think about the question of how much freedom to give.

Not that long ago, Mr. NaCl and I had a . . . discussion (yeah, let’s call it that) about the jalapeño plugging in some Christmas lights. I thought it was completely fine. I mean, the jalapeño is certainly not timid, but neither is he a major risk taker. He’s also good about understanding rules about dangerous things and following those rules. But the mister obviously had a different opinion and thought it was just waaaaay to dangerous for a four-year-old kid to be having anything to do with an outlet.

Yesterday I came across a 2008 essay, "No-Man's-Land" by Eula Biss that addresses perceptions of safety, among other things. (Astute citizens may recognize Biss’s name; she the author of one of my favorite reads of 2014.)

Biss references The Culture of Fear by Barry Glassner:

Every society is threatened by a nearly infinite number of dangers, Glassner writes, but societies differ in what they choose to fear. Americans, interestingly, tend to be most preoccupied with those dangers that are among the least likely to cause us harm, while we ignore the problems that are hurting the greatest number of people. We suffer from a national confusion between true threats and imagined threats.

And also:

One of the paradoxes of our time is that the War on Terror has served mainly to reinforce a collective belief that maintaining the right amount of fear and suspicion will earn one safety. Fear is promoted by the government as a kind of policy. Fear is accepted, even among the best-educated people in this country, even among the professors with whom I work, as a kind of intelligence. And inspiring fear in others is often seen as neighborly and kindly, instead of being regarded as what my cousin recognized it for—a violence.

As it happens, this week Jane Brody has an article in the New York Times that ties in with all of this as well. It’s about Lenore Skenazy and a new tv show in which Skenazy works with overprotective parents to give their children a bit more freedom. The first episode is about a ten-year-old named Sam. His mother won’t let him ride a bike (“she’s afraid I’ll fall and get hurt”), cut up his own meat (“Mom thinks I’ll cut my fingers off”), or play “rough sports” like skating.

My heart kind of breaks for this kid. It's clear his mother loves him dearly and only wants to keep him safe. But by protecting him from all these perceived risks, what essential skills is she preventing him from acquiring?

Brody's article also includes the following quote from Dr. Peter Gray, author of the book Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life, “If children are not allowed to take routine risks, they’ll be less likely to be able to handle real risks when they do occur.”

As I’m sure is obvious to anyone still reading, I’m on the side of giving children more freedom rather than less. I want my kids to take risks, I want them to make mistakes, I want them to experience failure. That's not to say I'm going to teach them to swim by throwing them into the deep end of the pool. I want them to know I'll always be there for them, happy to offer support and guidance. But I also hope to give them opportunities, both big and small, to try out new things on their own and to develop the skills they'll need to one day navigate the world on their own.

The other day, the jalapeño dropped a raw egg on the kitchen floor. And that was okay with me. I had him help me clean it up, and afterward I asked him what he’d do differently the next time he was carrying an egg. He said he'd use two hands. That lesson was far more vivid than it would have been if I’d just followed him around calling out, “Be careful! Eggs can break! Don’t drop it!”

Well . . . I think that’s about enough from me. So what about you? How much freedom did you have as a kid? How much freedom do you give your own kids?

note: featured image is from a British ad campaign promoting a personal emergency service

Half-Baked Hall: 1917-1919

Alright, we're back from the holiday break. And ready to look at some of the final players who saw the 19th century on the field. You may have heard of one or two of these guys. Ed appears to be a popular name.

Ballot Due: Wednesday, January 21

Player Stats

Last Time On The Ballot

Jesse Burkett
Jim O'Rourke

New Hitters

Sam Crawford
Harry Davis
Hughie Jennings
Tommy Leach
Sherry Magee
Terry Turner
Bobby Wallace
Honus Wagner
Heinie Zimmerman

New Pitchers

Bill Donovan
Ed Reulbach
Eddie Plank
Ed Walsh