Tag Archives: P.J. Walters

Happy Birthday–March 12

Due to personal time constraints, this is a reprint from last year which has not been updated.

Abraham Mills (1884)
Denny Lyons (1866)
Leroy Matlock (1907)
Vern Law (1930)
Durwood Merrill (1938)
Johnny Callison (1939)
Jimmy Wynn (1942)
Bill Butler (1947)
Larry Rothschild (1954)
Ruppert Jones (1955)
Dale Murphy (1956)
Mike Quade (1957)
Darryl Strawberry (1962)
Shawn Gilbert (1965)
Steve Finley (1965)
Raul Mondesi (1971)
Greg Hansell (1971) 
David Lee (1973)
P. J. Walters (1985)
Max Meyer (1999)

Abraham Mills was president of the Mills Commission, which determined that Abner Doubleday invented the game of baseball in Cooperstown, New York in 1839.

Leroy Matlock was a star pitcher in the Negro Leagues in the 1930s.

Durwood Merrill was a major league umpire from 1977-2002.

Max Meyer was drafted by Minnesota in the thirty-fourth round in 2017 but did not sign.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–March 12

Happy Birthday–March 12

Abraham Mills (1884)
Denny Lyons (1866)
Leroy Matlock (1907)
Vern Law (1930)
Durwood Merrill (1938)
Johnny Callison (1939)
Jimmy Wynn (1942)
Bill Butler (1947)
Larry Rothschild (1954)
Ruppert Jones (1955)
Dale Murphy (1956)
Mike Quade (1957)
Darryl Strawberry (1962)
Shawn Gilbert (1965)
Steve Finley (1965)
Raul Mondesi (1971)
Greg Hansell (1971) 
David Lee (1973)
P. J. Walters (1985)
Max Meyer (1999)

Abraham Mills was president of the Mills Commission, which determined that Abner Doubleday invented the game of baseball in Cooperstown, New York in 1839.

Leroy Matlock was a star pitcher in the Negro Leagues in the 1930s.

Durwood Merrill was a major league umpire from 1977-2002.

Max Meyer was drafted by Minnesota in the thirty-fourth round in 2017 but did not sign.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–March 12

Happy Birthday–March 12

Abraham Mills (1884)
Denny Lyons (1866)
Leroy Matlock (1907)
Vern Law (1930)
Durwood Merrill (1938)
Johnny Callison (1939)
Jimmy Wynn (1942)
Bill Butler (1947)
Larry Rothschild (1954)
Ruppert Jones (1955)
Dale Murphy (1956)
Mike Quade (1957)
Darryl Strawberry (1962)
Shawn Gilbert (1965)
Steve Finley (1965)
Raul Mondesi (1971)
Greg Hansell (1971) 
David Lee (1973)
P. J. Walters (1985)

Abraham Mills was president of the Mills Commission, which determined that Abner Doubleday invented the game of baseball in Cooperstown, New York in 1839.

Leroy Matlock was a star pitcher in the Negro Leagues in the 1930s.

Durwood Merrill was a major league umpire from 1977-2002.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–March 12

Happy Birthday–March 12

Abraham Mills (1884)
Denny Lyons (1866)
Leroy Matlock (1907)
Vern Law (1930)
Durwood Merrill (1938)
Johnny Callison (1939)
Jimmy Wynn (1942)
Bill Butler (1947)
Larry Rothschild (1954)
Ruppert Jones (1955)
Dale Murphy (1956)
Mike Quade (1957)
Darryl Strawberry (1962)
Shawn Gilbert (1965)
Steve Finley (1965)
Raul Mondesi (1971)
Greg Hansell (1971) 
David Lee (1973)
P. J. Walters (1985)

Abraham Mills was president of the Mills Commission, which determined that Abner Doubleday invented the game of baseball in Cooperstown, New York in 1839.

Leroy Matlock was a star pitcher in the Negro Leagues in the 1930s.

Durwood Merrill was a major league umpire from 1977-2002.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–March 12

Game 46: Twins @ Tigers

The losing streak has reached double digits! Can the Twins press on toward the greater glory on a 30 game losing streak? Can P.J. Walters make some sort of difference against a Tigers lineup that looks like they're having way too much fun in this series? Will Doug Fister give up fewer hits today than Anibal Sanchez did last night? Will Bioshock Infinite prove to be too tempting for me to resist?

Tune in and see - or watch QVC or something.

Twins on Leaderboards

Position Players rWAR - Mauer, 6th (2.2)
Offensive rWAR - Mauer, 10th (1.7)
Batting Average - Mauer, 5th (.337)
OBP - Mauer, 5th (.412)
Hits - Mauer, 9th (58)
Doubles - Mauer, 3rd (17)
Triples - Dozier, t-6th (2)
Walks - Willingham, 6th (27)
OPS+ - Mauer, 9th (143)
Times on Base - Mauer, t-6th (80)
Hit By Pitch - Willingham, 1st (7)
Hit By Pitch - Plouffe, t-3rd (5)
Sacrifices - Dozier, t-10th (2)
Sac Flies - Morneau, t-3rd (4)
Sac Flies - Doumit, t-7th (3)
Intentional Walks - Mauer, t-4th (4)
Caught Stealing - Dozier, t-5th (3)
Stolen Base % - Florimon, t-1st (100%)

BB/9 - Correia, 3rd (1.405)
Games Pitched - Fien, t-4th (23)
Games Pitched - Burton, t-10th (22)
Saves - Perkins, t-10th (8)
Games Started - Worley, t-2nd (10)
Hits Allowed - Worley, 2nd (82)
Hits Allowed - Correia, 8th (66)
Losses - Worley, t-5th (5)
Earned Runs Allowed - Worley, t-2nd (39)
Games Finished - Perkins, t-8th (14)

Game 158: Tigers @ Twins

It's Linds and I's fifth anniversary today, so we're going to be sitting right up close to the first base line for this one. The good news is that we'll get to see one of the best pitchers in the major leagues, the bad news is that he'll be pitching against us.

Justin Verlander takes on (digs hand in starting rotation box and pulls out random slip of paper) P.J. Walters.

Oh, yeah. This should be wonderful.

It's the last Saturday game of the year. I expect this game log to be packed when I get home.

Game 38 Recap: A Hot Day in Detroit

The sun was shining, big and bright and unfamiliar. I hadn't been outside before sunset in God knows how long. I never thought I'd come to miss nighttime, when the darkness wraps around you like a cold, wet towel. But there I was, yearning for it. Never saw myself as the yearning type. Not part of the job, generally.  I'm a private eye. The name's Walters. P.J. if you buy me a drink first.

I was in Detroit at the behest of some real down-and-outs, a couple of hard-luck Minnesotans with little more than a sob-story to their name. Not that they told me their names. Just call us The Twins, they said when they came calling. Let's keep this anonymous. Somebody took our wins. Bring them back to us. I had half a mind to tell them off, but the other half saw the stack of bills they seemed to be offering. They played at being hard-up,  but it turned out they were secretly living large. I wasn't sure what the game was, but the money spoke for itself. And the misery on their faces was as plain as Norwegian cooking. Whatever else, they needed those wins back, badly.

Continue reading Game 38 Recap: A Hot Day in Detroit

Game 33: Blue Jays at Twins

The Twins won last night. It was a pretty good game. Between that and sitting out on the deck drinking delicious gin and tonics most of the afternoon, I'm feeling pretty positive.

Tonight might change that. Drew Hutchison hasn't shown up on any elite prospect lists that I know of, but he compiled a pretty good FIP throughout the minors (2.22) whereas our pitcher (P.J. Walters) didn't wow folks quite as much.

But this is positive day, so rather than judge our starting pitchers by their minor league record, we'll note that Hutchison hasn't exactly wowed anyone in his cup of coffee thus far. Theorhetically, he'd be the type of high-strikeout, low walk guy that would eat the Twins alive, but nothing is stopping this winning streak from hitting '2'.