All posts by hungry joe

2015 Game 105: Minnesota Twins vs. Toronto Blue Jays


Good evening gentle ladies and sirs, and welcome to the Queen City, the pride of Ontario, Toronto the Good. After stumbling through 3-6 homestand, the Twins visit O, Canada for the first time since June of last year.

Minnesota's been historically lousy in Toronto, but they've played well against the AL East this year. As the Twins are only one game up on the Jays for the 2nd WC spots, this series has some significance. Taking the mound tonight will be the PEDestroyer, Ervin Santana, trying to bounce back from his first loss of the season. Facing off will be some schmo named David Price, who will be making his debut in the Blue Jays uniform. So, you know, no real point in the watching this game.

Continue reading 2015 Game 105: Minnesota Twins vs. Toronto Blue Jays

WGOM Summer Mix 2015 (OFFICIAL POST)

Okay, so, a couple of hiccups. I would like to note the following amends:
Algonad: I already had that song in my library, so while looking for the ones I didn't have, I told myself I'd throw that one in later. Never did. Sorry.
Zack: I originally couldn't find that Eskimeaux track and was going to get back to it, but never followed up. The Speedy Ortiz track was the last song to be cut, so if it's not too uncool, I'm just going to reintroduce that one.
Whoever's supplemental tracks I ended up cutting (still haven't checked who submitted what again): I debated between just adding the previously noted tracks, or to keep true to the original 90 minute idea. I came down on the latter.

Should you feel like it, I've added a ratings bar to this post. Let us know what you think of this years mix (and if you're saucy enough, tell us why below).

Anyway, with a slightly rejiggered lineup, here is the official WGOM Summer Mix 2015:

Track#Dude(s)/Dudette(s)Track Name
01.Jamie xxGosh
03.Courtney BarnettPedestrian At Best
04.WALK THE MOONShut Up And Dance
05.Carpenter BrutTurbo Killer
06.Vinny Chase ft. Kid Art Harlem Roses
07.Sleater-KinneyHey Darling
08.Alabama ShakesThe Greatest
09.San FerminJackrabbit
10.Black DietNothing to Say
11.Mark Ronson Ft. Amy WinehouseValerie
12.Joywave Tongues ft KOPPSTongues
13.Kendrick Lamar King Kunta
14.JD McPhersonLet The Good Times Roll
15.HospitalityI Miss Your Bones
16.La LuzPink Slime
17.BleachersI Wanna Get Better
18.Speedy OrtizMy Dead Girl
19.DestroyerDream Lover
20.EULALike No Other
21.Father John MistyChateau Lobby #4 (In C For Two Virgins)
22.Sturgill SimpsonLiving The Dream
23.James BayHold Back The River
24.Built To SpillWhen I'm Blind

I've created a revised Spotify playlist (I also couldn't find the Vinny Cha$e song), however I can't figure out a way to get it to play in order (again, song order was heavily considered). In that case, one could conceivably check this out (EDIT: if you want a link to the mix in a way that can loaded the opposite of up, email me at my user name (no spaces or puncuation)/at\the domain of this here website.

5 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 105 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10 (5 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10)
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So, yeah, that took a bit longer than I you would have liked. Sorry, you guys. Anyway, here we go: your 2015 WGOM Summer1 Mix:*

1.GoshJamie xx
3.Pedestrian At BestCourtney Barnett
4.Shut Up And DanceWALK THE MOON
5.Turbo KillerCarpenter Brut
6.Harlem RosesVinny Chase ft. Kid Art
7.Hey DarlingSleater-Kinney
8.JackrabbitSan Fermin
9.Nothing To SayBlack Diet
10.ValerieMark Ronson Ft. Amy Winehouse
11.TonguesJoywave Tongues Ft. KOPPS
12.King KuntaKendrick Lamar
13.Ain't Gonna DrownElle King
14.Let The Good Times rollJD McPherson
15.I Miss Your BonesHospitality
16.Pink SlimeLa Luz
17.I Wanna Get BetterBleachers
18.Dream LoverDestroyer
19.Blood HandsRoyal Blood
20.Like No OtherEULA
21.Chateau Lobby #4 (In C For Two Virgins)Father John Misty
22.Living The DreamSturgill Simpson
23.Hold Back The RiverJames Bay
24.When I'm BlindBuilt To Spill

*The methodology was pretty simple: The first pick on everyone's list got in, and after that, all other submissions went into a general pool. The selection process ended up being fairly impartial as by the time I finally got to listening to the songs, I had no idea who had submitted what3. Anyway, I went through the general pool a few times and rated4 each song5. All songs submitted totaled a bit over 2 hours; I figured an hour and a half was plenty. The lowest rated supplemental songs based on the flawed perceptions of the curator were redacted until the 90 minute threshold had been reached. From that point, songs were organized in a hopefully aesthetically pleasing sonic arrangement6.

1 AMR claimed summer was already over. The (un)official end to summer is Labor Day weekend. Duh2.
2 Actually, is that a foregone thing? I don't remember school starting before then, but spooks' kids are already going back? Is that crazy?
3 The list I gathered at the time of submission didn't note submitters, only which songs were automatically included. In addition, I pretty much listen to zero commercial radio, nor do I come across "contemporary" music in daily life, so if any of these songs are actually popular, I have no idea.
4 I guess I'd describe that my ratings process, as it applies to the theme of "Summer Mix", had a critical standard on par with the definitions of such intangibles as "MVP" or "pornography".
5 Ratings were tweaked as further listens warranted.
6 I'd like to think the flow is halfway decent.

Oh yeah, post yer 10s below.