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Tag Archives: WGOM featured
FKB: Father of the Freakin’ Year
I've made some pretty boneheaded parenting moves over the last month.
First: I left the baby sleeping on the bed while I went downstairs to get breakfast for the other kids. She seemed completely out. Of course she woke up a short time later, and didn't make a sound until she fell onto the floor. I think she probably had a mild concussion, given the way she was acting for the first half hour or so after the fall. I had a thing scheduled at work and I made plans to take her to the doctor after I got back from it, but she was back to her old self by the time I got home. Still, it was kind of horrifying.
Second: It took me more than a month to really respond to Aquinas' complaints of bullying before I took action. And it seems like that action was much needed, and has gone a long way towards correcting the problem (thank goodness for the fact that they're first graders, and still open to being good kids instead of blaming the one who told on them). My fear of ruffling feathers was too strong and my kid paid the price.
Third: And yet, in communicating about this issue, I may have inadvertently sent some signals that didn't exactly endear us or my kid to the teacher. I'm not quite sure why we can accurately observe that one kid is faster or stronger than a different one, but we can't observe that one is smarter than another? (I didn't straight up say anything like that, but I fear some unintended implications were taken (look, the class isn't particularly rigorous, and there is some classic "things are going too slow for him" stuff going on (I don't say this to brag about Aquinas, only to observe that this class is moving really slow. Halfway through the year and he's still doing math work that he did at this point in Kindergarten.)(also, he's absolutely going to keep getting 90% on everything you teach, no matter the difficulty, let's not act like 100% is needed to move on...))).
Fourth: Here's the biggie... I forgot my kid. I usually pick up Aquinas from school. If I can't, I arrange for him to take the bus to daycare. Well, I had a hearing out of town and... I forgot. So he walked to my office, per usual, only I wasn't there and the door was locked. So he started walking to the daycare, which is about a mile out of town. On the way there someone - a stranger to him (and us, but not other relatives) - stopped and offered a ride. He happily accepted because, as he put it, "he was tired of walking." The stranger brought him right to daycare (and apparently has done the same for other kids), so in a way it's a "no harm, no foul" situation. Except that my kid accepted a ride from a stranger. So... big time foul.
Anyway, I'm working at this parent thing. This morning I built a huge pillow barrier around the baby as she slept on the bed, and still went up and checked on her just about every other minute, and caught her just as she was waking up 6 minutes into me leaving her there... And I remembered to have Aquinas take the bus when I was gone on Tuesday. And I bribed him, so he got 100% on his spelling test last week. Maybe by the time they leave home I'll feel like I'm on the right track.
First Monday Book Day – The Comic Book Store
So far, 2017 has turned out to be the year of the comic book for me. Here's five series that I've been reading.
So, what have you all been reading? Comic book/graphic novel or otherwise?
Father Knows Best: Boredom
Things have been rough lately, mostly because at least two people at any given time have been sick in this household--sometimes all four of us--since at least Thanksgiving. It's exhausting. But at least it's fairly simple to figure out what you need to do to get through each day. I think about when Henry was a baby. I was tired constantly; some days I could barely keep my eyes open. But while I was by no means confident in what I was doing, I knew pretty much every decision was around eating, pooping, or sleeping. Not that complex.
I'm not nearly as exhausted these days, which I won't complain about. But I'm more frequently being faced with probably the hardest part about being a parent so far, which is boredom. That sounds harsh, but I don't know how else to explain that agonizing feeling when Henry wants to read the same book 12 times in a row, or play the same game (in the wrong way, of course) for an hour straight (and I only barely tolerated it the first time because he was being adorable), or the same routine day after day after day because with his autism it takes tremendous effort to talk him into deviating from original plans. I've learned that sometimes the only way to get him to do something I want to do is to just do it without asking, which works okay if we're going to a new park, but usually not well when it's playing with a new toy.
I know that in six or seven years he might barely ever want to play with me at all. He certainly won't want to hang on my leg or beg me to pay attention to him. Nor will he say, "I love you Daddy," genuinely but with an ulterior motive of getting a cookie. So I want to enjoy every second. But too many nights I just can't wait until he goes to bed so I can do something interesting. And I feel horrible about it.
So, what advice say you guys? How do you keep focused and interested in toddler time night after night after night?
Pledge Drive Wrap-up
Sorry, gang, been a little busy. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that we made our goal of $500 and raised a total of $577.42. Awesome job, everyone. We'll keep this post up for a little bit if only as a jumping off point for all the great content that came out over the pledge drive. The conversation isn't over yet!
Thanks again, you guys. This is truly the World's Greatest blah blah blah.
"THE NATION HAS PROBLEMS: VOL. 11" - The Nation Has Problems - Greekhouse
"BOOK DAY: AWARD SEASON" - First Monday Book Day - Daneeka's Ghost
"γνῶθι σεαυτόν - KNOW THYSELF" - WGOM Fitness - New Britain Bo
"APPLE JELLY … MADE WITH APPLES & STUFF" - The Nation Has An Appetite - Can of Corn
"FTLT ON THE WOLVES" - NBA - FirstTime "hitman" LongTime
"CSI: CARLSBAD, CA [2003 UPPER DECK]" - Baseball Cards: Detective Work - Rhubarb_Runner
"COMFORT FOOD" - The Nation Has An Appetite - brianS
"CLASSIC ALBUM REVIEWS – VAN HALEN" - Miscellaneous - freealonzo
"TRIPLE-THREAT COOKIES" -The Nation Has An Appetite - Pepper
"A SERIES OF QUESTIONS ON PARENTING" - Father Knows Best - Algonad
"NOVEMBER 21, 1998: RANDOM DAY IN TWINS HISTORY" - History, Minnesota Twins - The Dread Pirate
"FMD: MUSIC FOR KIDS" - Friday Music Day - Philospher
"GUMBO FOR THE PEOPLE" - The Nation Has An Appetite - meat
"MOVIE DAY" - At the Movies - spookymilk
"THE CRUCIFEROUSING" - The Nation Has An Appetite - brianS
"THE GHOSTS OF DOS A CERO" - Soccer - MagUidhir
"BERSERK BOXSCORES: WHITE SOX @ TWINS 04/19/1962" - Berserk Boxscores - Beau
Well, here we are again, lady and gentlemen. Things have been a little slow around here as of late, what with all teh sucking lo these past few years. Still, this is an amazingly vibrant community, a fact we hope to highlight over the next few days. Stay tuned, we should have some great programming...
On the donation front, unfortunately I didn't really get a chance to go over other options, so we're going to stick with PayPal for now (if you want to donate, but prefer to use another method, just let me know via email or however). I believe the fee for PayPal is 2.9% + $0.30/donation, but I'll double check that to be sure. Our goal is $500 again, but the more we get, the less we have to go through this crap!
I'll give some updates throughout the week, but seriously, stick around. We should have some good stuff coming. UPDATE: Check back here for an updating list of all the posts we'll be rolling out this week. (And also, please be sure to give it up for Jeff A, who will continue to update us on winter baseball and the run of the 1987 Twins. At over 5,000 posts and counting, I'm amazed at how lucky we are to have him. The rest of you are pretty cool too, I guess.)
"THE NATION HAS PROBLEMS: VOL. 11" - The Nation Has Problems - Greekhouse
"BOOK DAY: AWARD SEASON" - First Monday Book Day - Daneeka's Ghost
"γνῶθι σεαυτόν - KNOW THYSELF" - WGOM Fitness - New Britain Bo
"APPLE JELLY … MADE WITH APPLES & STUFF" - The Nation Has An Appetite - Can of Corn
"FTLT ON THE WOLVES" - NBA - FirstTime "hitman" LongTime
"CSI: CARLSBAD, CA [2003 UPPER DECK]" - Baseball Cards: Detective Work - Rhubarb_Runner
"COMFORT FOOD" - The Nation Has An Appetite - brianS
"CLASSIC ALBUM REVIEWS – VAN HALEN" - Miscellaneous - freealonzo
"TRIPLE-THREAT COOKIES" -The Nation Has An Appetite - Pepper
"A SERIES OF QUESTIONS ON PARENTING" - Father Knows Best - Algonad
"NOVEMBER 21, 1998: RANDOM DAY IN TWINS HISTORY" - History, Minnesota Twins - The Dread Pirate
"FMD: MUSIC FOR KIDS" - Friday Music Day - Philospher
"GUMBO FOR THE PEOPLE" - The Nation Has An Appetite - meat
"MOVIE DAY" - At the Movies - spookymilk
"THE CRUCIFEROUSING" - The Nation Has An Appetite - brianS
"THE GHOSTS OF DOS A CERO" - Soccer - MagUidhir
"BERSERK BOXSCORES: WHITE SOX @ TWINS 04/19/1962" - Berserk Boxscores - Beau
any questions? let us know below!
FKB: Financial Planning for Idiots
Not sure if this is a Father Knows Best post, or if it belongs under whatever we called the Nation's recommendations (like what kind of refrigerator, cell phone, pocket knife, stereo system, etc. we use or recommend... we had that, didn't we? [updated! thanks sean]), whatever, I digress. I owed the basement a FKB post in July and didn't make time to do it. This is about midway between Philo's Oct. posting and Nibbs' November posting timeframe, so I'm dropping it here.
My wife and I have been working through some of the adulting items recently highlighted by hj and others. Over the past 2-3 years, we've managed to knock out quite a few major items (started 529's, got the life insurance and retirement accounts up and running and last week we finalized our estate planning (will and health care directives). I've found the citizenry's conversations about kids & college, aging parents, home purchasing and personal finances in general here to be very useful. The conversations, coupled with the encouragement to tackle these now rather than later (by those further along in the process of growing up) has been a catalyst to my willingness to actually get started (so thank you).
I consolidated and shared that most recent discussion with my wife. For clarity, I eliminated attributions, unrelated/side-bar lte's, and the spoilered FZ stuff and made some minor edits and deletions. (Any mistakes/errors or misrepresentations are mine.) She had trouble following the conversation (doesn't know how conversations work in the basement) so I set it so that each new indent represents a response to the previous comment, and those aligned left represent a "new" piece of input.
She responded with her notes from a financial planner presentation her employer brought in. I'm sharing both here for posterity.
Important #1: if your company has a 401(k), start putting money into it now, especially if there is matching. Every time you get a raise, kick it up another 1%
Important #2: pay off your credit cards and don't use more than you can pay off each month
RE: #1. The only thing I'd caution is that, if there isn't matching, sometimes it can be more valuable to pay down debt now first. If you can afford to do both, do. But if interest on debt > rate of return on 401(k) (or even less, depending on credit score effects and desire for future borrowing, i.e. mortgage), then it makes sense to pay down debt first.
Agreed. but don't put off 401(k) long -- the earlier you start, the better.
That's one thing I did do, though I only contribute the minimum to get the maximum match from my employer.
Right, and if there's an employer match, that's always the better way to go.
Index funds are your friend. They are the closest thing to following "the market" there is and have incredibly low fees. I can't comment on which one to pick as my expertise is very limited.
401(k)s are generally your friend, at least to the point that ostensibly your company is helping you. Or maybe it sucks and you're screwed. John Oliver featured them a few months ago on his show. You can skip to the end for his (swearing!) video containing tips. Another option would be Roth IRAs.
That's all I've got.
If you have high-interest debt, pay it off first. This is a low-interest environment. If you are carrying balances on your credit cards, pay them off ASAP and pay in full every month. Brown bag your lunch.
Then, what sean and others have said. If you have a match on a 401K, that's free money. Take as much of it as you can and put it into no-load index funds. If a Roth 401K is an option at your work, take advantage when you are young and your marginal tax rate is lowest. Dollar-cost averaging is your friend. Ditto on 529 accounts for the kids. Start now. If you have loose change left over after these things, then Roth IRA.
Being a quasi- government employee, I'm paying into a state retirement system. The required contribution is 13.2% of gross earnings (6.6% contributed by employee & employer). The employee percentage is deducted pre-tax. Assuming my state retirement system still exists when I retire (shakier than I want to admit given who runs the state right now), should I still consider other sources of retirement income (401k, IRA)? There is a TSA program , but it doesn't have an employer match. I guess what I'm really asking is, should I be thinking about socking away additional resources for retirement, or putting things away for the Poissonnier's education?
I don't know if you have the option for a 401(k) because I recall they are employer sponsored. I could be wrong. That leaves you IRAs. Roth is a popular option but you're limited to $5,500 of contributions a year (this applies to traditional IRAs too but there are still differences). Looks like a primary difference between the two is that an IRA can have tax benefits for that year but you get taxed when you withdraw while a Roth has no tax benefits that year but withdrawal is tax-free (broadly speaking, limitations still apply). You can convert a traditional IRA to a Roth but not the reverse. You do get taxed but you can do it at a time that is advantageous to you. I recall either now or recently there were some tax breaks about that. If you think your tax rate today will be lower than the future, a Roth makes more sense. If you think your tax rate in the future will be lower, then a traditional makes more sense.
Note, I am not a fiduciary and only play one on the internet. If it were me, I think I would opt for a Roth IRA and a 529. How much goes into either is up to you. I think I would bias it to the IRA.
There's a lot of really helpful thought in that answer. I can understand why biasing toward the IRA makes sense. Unless I move into an administrative position my earnings are going to max out at a level where some financial aid is still pretty likely, which perhaps lowers the pressure to put more into a 529 to offset the hit from our expected contribution at a higher income level.
As a government employee, I view my pension (and corresponding university pension, since I am a former member of the liberal elite) as a highly stable baseline of retirement income, similar to Social Security (which I also will have). So my allocations to other investments should be read in light of that low-risk baseline. I'm pretty much 100 percent in stocks via index funds, using the pensions and social security as my asset type diversification in my portfolio (I own several different kinds of index funds).
Your mileage may vary on the risks associated with government pensions. For example, last year I extracted all of my money from the Illinois university retirement system and put it into an IRA, because I was worried about bankruptcy in that state.
I have a 401k (no match) and my wife and I both have Roth IRAs, in addition to my traditional IRA. I expect that our retirement income will not dip all that much from our current income, so the Roth makes more sense than a traditional. Plus, you don't have to draw on it at all if you don't want to in retirement (and thus can use it in estate planning). I will probably look to roll over chunks of that traditional IRA once the Girl is done with college and off the dole.
We invested heavily in 529s for the kids. Both went/are going to Fancy Pants schools, and our income is too high for Pell Grants. 529s are the best vehicle for someone like us to minimize the product of portfolio management headaches, fiscal discipline and tax exposure in planning for college. Whatever you do, try to avoid putting any money in UGMA/UTMA accounts for the kiddies. That is a recipe for minimizing financial aid. Just keep those assets in your own name until they are college seniors, then gift them startup funds if that's what you want to accomplish.
more on 529s vs UGMA/UTMA for saving for college.
You can't go wrong with 529s when there is any doubt. In MO, we even got a state tax break
The 529 contributions are deductible in Wisconsin as well. I have money taken out once a month for each kid automatically, which makes it easier to get it in there.
I think even the earnings were state tax deductible on withdrawal, too
From my reading of this article it seems like you can recharacterize from a Roth to a traditional only for a limited time after recharacterizing the traditional to a Roth. And, the always correct Wikipedia lists an advantage of traditional IRAs as recharacterization to a Roth. But I could be wrong!
Yea, I think you are right. Recharacterization is basically an "undo" of a conversion from traditional to Roth. Thanks for clarifying.
Through a Roth recharacterization, you either change a contribution from a Roth IRA to another type of IRA or nullify a previous Roth conversion. It's as if the contribution or conversion never occurred in the Roth IRA.
Vanguard reports a recharacterization on Form 1099-R as a distribution from the Roth IRA and on Form 5498 as a contribution to the non-Roth IRA. In Box 7 of Form 1099-R, you'll see an "R" for a contribution or conversion made for 2015 and recharacterized in 2016 or an "N" for a contribution or conversion made for 2016 and recharacterized in 2016. Contributions and conversions for 2015 that are recharacterized in 2016 will be reported on 2016 tax forms, which will be distributed in 2017.
You can still recharacterize contributions or conversions for a tax year on or before your federal tax return filing deadline for that tax year, including extensions, even if you already filed your tax return. However, you may need to file an amended return for the tax year in which the original contribution or conversion was made.
Towards my original question though, any thoughts/tips on using professionals?
There may be some value in seeing a financial planner once, to get some general analysis and advice. But brokerage fees and management fees from actively managing your portfolio? Not so much.
The best advice you can probably get: (1) start investing as early as you can, even if small. (2) dollar-cost average. Don't get caught up in short-term market fluctuations unless you like to entertain yourself that way. (3) focus on no-load index funds. (4) don't frick with your investment strategy. More people lose more money by buying and selling too frequently than they do by letting investments ride.
Here's some sage advice from Time's Money Magazine:
Shop locally. As long as you have at least $250,000 to invest—a typical minimum—see what a local financial planner charges. That face-to-face help may be less or no more than what you’d pay for a fund investment advice program. By the end of 2015, Vanguard’s Personal Advisor Services, which costs 0.3% plus costs of underlying investments, should be widely available.
Pay for advice once. If all you need is guidance at the starting gate, you can hire an adviser by the hour instead of spending 1% to 2% a year. You might pay $800 to $1,500 for a one-time plan.
But the scale there should tell you a bit about when it might be worth having such an advisor. IMO.
Agreed. Financial advice early on is good; financial advice later on is a necessity
We absolutely have a financial advisor, and have for over fifteen years now, although we use them more actively the past few years. Of course I'm 10 years or so from thinking of retirement. You don't necessarily need one early on, but keep socking that retirement/college money so that when time comes to start thinking retirement your financial advisor will have something to work with.
If you can find a good financial advisor (when the time comes), definitely do it. It can make a big difference when it comes to when to draw SS or from your IRA/401(k), etc., as well as balancing your investments for the long haul.
I have used a professional for the last seven or eight years (we set up a retirement account for her and rolled over my 401k from my old employer in the beginning, we've added on some other accounts since then: rainy day fund, potential college fund, etc). We've been happy with it, in that our guy (don't know cost, I'm afraid) has kept an eye on things so that our actual interaction with it can be relatively minimal (twice yearly appointments and reading the balance sheets when they come to us). We're good with basic finances, but actual capital 'I' investing is something that neither of us want to put in the time to being good at.
B: Jack Bogle might have some useful things to say about basic investing.
Yes you should use a professional financial planner. Do your parents? Siblings? In-laws? Ask who they use. That's a place to start. Do some research on fees and ask them questions. Find one you feel comfortable with, and hopefully through recommendations, feel like you can trust.
NOTES MY WIFE TOOK (yes ... this is how she actually takes notes. In this regard, I'm proud that she puts me to shame).
Personal Finance Philosophy – 5 things
- Earn a decent living
- This equates to the ability to cover your mortgage, car and vacations
- Once you reach that tipping point, making more money will not make you happier
- Making less money will make you less happy
- Spend Less than You Make
- Take Money you don’t spend , save and invest à make your $ work for you
- Avoid being ‘Financially Fragile’ (i.e. not having enough liquid savings to cover large unplanned expenses)
- Max out your 401K (match)
- Save more when you can (e.g. years with larger bonuses)
- Protect financial Work (or was it worth)
- Life Insurance (not when single, but when married and/or with kids)
- Disability Insurance (especially when single and/or when sole earner)
- Basic Estate Plan (again, critical with kids. . . should cost $1000 or less) – includes:
- Will
- Healthcare Proxy
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Healthcare Directive
- Give Back
- Volunteer, Donations etc.
- Control what you can control
- Investment Expense (i.e. “Fees)
- Index Funds and/or ETFS
- Amount of Risk you’re taking
- Reduce your risk over time. . . . . especially close to the life event (e.g. retirement/collected)
- If you invest in “Target Date” funds (e.g. Lifepath Funds) invest all or none – don’t go halfsies
- Investment Expense (i.e. “Fees)
Term vs. Permanent (aka Cash Value) Life Insurance
- Start with “Term” Life Insurance
- Covers your bases until you accrue enough in retirement accounts to cover your bases
- Or Covers your family until they are independent
- Max out the Group Term Benefit (e.g. Target allows you to add up to 6X salary, do that – it’s cheap)
- Look at Life Insurance Worksheet online to determine “How Much)
- Permanent
- Use when your need for Life Insurance won’t end (e.g. when you have a disabled/dependent child)
- Jean is not a fan of Permanent Life Insurance as an investment vehicle
- Exception = Immediate Annuity – e.g. to manage income during retirement
Savings for College
- Retirement should come first
- 529s generally better than Roth IRAs (for this purpose)
- 529s can save more $
- Roth IRA – can choose to use for college OR retirement
- Both grow tax free
- Research 529s à find the best one
- Savingsforcollege.com - - ranks 529 plans
- In general better to ‘Divide and Conquer’ your savings
- You are more likely to meet your goals if you have different savings buckets for different goals
More on Retirement Savings - Steps
- Emergency fund – always have a minimum of $2000 liquid
- Save 3X monthly expenses for Dual Income
- Save 6X monthly expenses for Single Income
- Max out your 401K first – at the “Match”
- Pay down debt that has an interest rate higher than your savings returns
- Invest everything else in the future
- Max out total 401K to Yearly Limit (in 2015 = $18K)
- And/Or invest in Roth
- Automate everything you can (savings, investments, debt payments)
- Guidelines for how much you should have saved (per “Fidelity)
- Age 35 = 1X current salary
- Age 45 = 3X
- Age 55 = 5X
- Age 65 = 8X
- Other:
- Longevity rates are going up
- Plan on Living to 95
- Plan on needing 85% of Pre-Retirement Income
- Longevity rates are going up
Pros and Cons of EDCP (Executive Deferred Compensation Plan)
- More than $18K allowed and not eligible for IRA
- Longevity rates are going up
Financial Planning – When and How Often?
- 1X year – basic financial physical
- What you earn, vs. Own. Vs. Owe – review that these are all moving in the right direction
- Progress on Retirement Goals (calculate)
- 3X year – check credit report
- Look for Identity Theft and take action ASAP
- Annualcreditreport.com
- Read/review your statements
- Know your credit score (but don’t need to check as often) 720 = Good; 760+ = Great
- Look for Identity Theft and take action ASAP
Saving for College – Should Kids take the Loans or Parents
- Have the kids borrow some of the money (if you haven’t saved enough already and/or financial aid doesn’t cover)
- Have them borrow no more in total than what they expect to make in their first year
- Borrow w/ Federal Loans when possible
- You can help repay their loans.
Aging Parents
- Unlike Kids/College, - ‘We’ help b/c there is no other choice (e.g. ‘Financial Aid’)
- Important to understand their ‘need’
- Open and Honest Communication
- Have a Social Security Strategy
- Delay tapping into Social Security as long as Possible
- Grows @ 8% from age 62 to 70
- This is a point where it makes sense to pay for advice
- Review: maximizemysocialsecurity.com
- There are social security estimators available; seek them out
- Delay tapping into Social Security as long as Possible
Risk Adverse? Where else to save
- Credit Unions à interest bearing accounts
- Government Bonds
- Note: Regular savings accounts equate to losing money after inflation/taxes, etc.
Using 401K or Personal Investments for Debt Reduction
- BAD – have to pay $ back within 60 days if leave company (whether by choice or not) – otherwise pay tax penalty
- Better to ‘pull back’ on regular contributions and pay back debt that way
What to do if I’m a Named Guardian
- Understand financial responsibility; Do the Parents have life Insurance?
Kids, Finances and Allowance – when to start, how to structure and how much?
- Start at age 5
- $1 (week)
- Add $1 every year
- Think of things you want them to start buying themselves
- Help them with “Give, Save, Spend” parameters
- Always save 10% - get them in this habit early
Buying and Selling Stock – when?
- The advisor doesn’t manage $ this way - -- - she invests in diversified funds
- Other investors sell when stock price drops 10-15%
- Exception is when price is affected by an exaggerated news story
- And/or the Entire Market drops
- Other investors sell when stock price drops 10-15%
When do you go to a Financial Advisor?
- When do you go to a Financial Advisor?
- When your financial life gets more complicated
- Kids, homes, raises/promotions,
- When your financial life gets more complicated
“Ancestrous” Relationships
There was strong interest in starting a genealogy category on WGOM, and I've been sitting on this until I had my surgery to have something to work on while recovering. Since there are a plethora of genealogy related topics, I'm going to make this a stream-of-consciousness introductory post to touch on a lot of things, and entertain ideas for future posts to tackle specifics.
Genealogy is is possibly the second most searched topic on the web (behind pr0n, obviously) and as the years have gone on there has been a flood of data made available online.
There are many aspects of genealogy that intrigue people and get them fired up research their own families, but one of the biggest drives is also one of the most misguided: everyone wants to discover that they're related to George Washington, Charlemagne, or any number of famous figures in history. My recommendation is not to get caught up name-grabbing -- the further back you go with your research, the more chances that mistakes are made. Much more meaningful is to gather the stories and data of your more recent ancestors.
First rule of starting your genealogy research: begin with what you know. Begin with your parents, and their parents, etc, as far back as people can provide. This is your base. Using US census data (now public up to 1940) you will be able to flesh out their families and track their movements. In addition, several states had rudimentary state census "on the 5's" between the US census decades between the later 1800's and the early 1900's. Obviously the further back you go, the more people you will be tracking. I found it most convenient to limit to your direct ancestors and their children, although I would take some side branches down if there were relatives I was close to in those branches.
Second rule of your genealogy research: if you don't already have one, get a library card! There are multiple pay sites which have genealogy data, but most all of them provide free access (some limited, some complete) through your local library. In addition, most library systems have helpful resident genealogy assistants available to answer questions. There is no reason to throw money at Ancestry.com or other pay sites, at least not until your tree has expanded enough to need help.
Third rule of your genealogy research: gather source information. These could be primary sources (birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates) or secondary sources (letters, family stories, military service, passengers lists, church records, cemetery markers, etc). In all cases, document where your data comes from! And for crying out loud, get copies of photographs -- it's wonderful to have faces to go with the names. (In the photo above, those are my great grandparents in front, and my mother's father second from the right in the middle row.)
You'll find that your families congregated in certain locations, and it is valuable to get to know the various Historical Societies in those cities / counties. My mother's side spent years in Douglas County MN, and the folks at Alexandria have been very helpful in getting family info, property data, etc. Mrs. Runner had ancestors in Rutland County VT, and helpful researchers there as well as a third cousin of hers had a lot of useful help.
You will want to find a website or software to record what you find. I use an older versions of Family Tree Maker, but if I were to start now, I think I'd create a tree at FamilySearch and have it on the cloud -- the Mormons are leaders in genealogy research. In all cases, be sure to enter your sources when recording each piece of data -- this will help in eliminating questionable entries.
If you are up to it, it's also valuable to have online visibility. I used genealogy as an excuse to learn HTML, and used free RootsWeb (which has been sucked up by Ancestry.com) to host my webpages. I have had countless contacts by relatives (and non-relatives) of me or my wife over the years who have stumbled onto my website via some search engine. It also makes for a nice repository to share info with others in your family who might be doing research as well.
Here are some example sources I have used in doing research on my side of the family and my wife's side of the family.
One thing you should definitely do is set some goals. One goal I had was to take each branch of my family and my wife's family back across the ocean. I've been mostly successful -- my side is pretty much right off the boat, but that includes ancestors from northern Germany 1860-1870 with the difficult-to-search surname Will which has been a tough nut to crack. My wife's side has some fairly longtime US residents in it including Civil War vets from both sides, but she has an Irishman with a fairly common name (James Morgan 1860s) and a Prussian with an uncommon name (Grzmocinsky 1880s). I've been sitting on them, knowing that someday some group's effort to digitize data that will include the smoking gun I've been looking for.
A few useful terms:
GEDCOM -- the standard file extension/format for disseminating a family tree
ahnentafel -- ("name table" in German) this is a numbering scheme for identifying direct-line ancestors and descendants. If you are person #2 in your file, for instance, your father would be #4 (2 * 2) and your mother would be #5 (2 * 2 +1); your father's parents would be #8 and #9.
soundex -- this is a system for organizing names by phonetics to better find matches on names which are difficult to spell consistently. Format is a first letter followed by three numbers; here is a converter to play with. You will find many lists indexed by Soundex for convenient searching
patronymic surname -- think Scandinavian, where the child's surname is based on the father's given name. Torsten's children would be Torstensson or Torstensdatter, for instance. btw, generally you'll find Norwegian and Danish surnames ending with ...SEN, and Swedish with ...SSON. Patronymic naming ended by national decree throughout the 1800s to early 1900s.
Cyndi's List -- Cyndi Ingle started a list of genealogical websites grouped and categorized, and it's pretty much grand central station for finding specific information by location or whatever.
Sorry this has rambled so much, but I wanted to get some groundwork out there to spur discussion. I'd be happy to answer any questions or take suggestions for more specific help.
Your 2017 Twins Are…
Forking off the discussion to here...
Here's my barely half baked attempt at a 2017 lineup.
Listing it out...
Catcher: ???
First: Mauer.
Second: Dozier.
Third: Sano. UZR had him as a plus fielder there this year and last.
Shortstop: Polanco? UZR did not like his fielding at short.
Right: Kepler.
Center: Buxton.
Left: ???
Suzuki's option did not vest so I think that makes him a free agent. That leaves Murphy as the catcher to start the season. Grossman is the obvious one to put in left but, well, gross. Maybe Rosario instead? Scouts never liked Polanco's fielding at short and the metrics agree with them. Escobar would then be the shortstop but he needs to bring back the 2015 version.
2016-2017 EPL Prediction Contest
Sorry I'm so behind in everything. Lots of stuff going on outside the WGOM for me. Here's the link for this year's spreadsheet. Continue reading 2016-2017 EPL Prediction Contest