Carpal tunnel vision.

Whilst in Minny two weeks back I took out a yew alongside the house in prep for house painting, but the hedge shears took me down like bloodhounds on Cool Hand Luke.

That and oncet back in H'istan, I had to tackle enormous weedage in the backyard, plus numerous simultaneous powerpoint presentations at work.  And, hellboy button mouse on the laptop - net effect - swelling in the wrists, and Constant Sorrows.

I am training for a century ride first week in September in Dartmouth, MA.  I did this one last year, took 7 hours.  NBBW is joining us this year.

Ibuprofen hasn't made any difference.  I need to try bag of frozen peas on the arm.

But I did get in my 65 miles on Sunday (loop from H'istan to E. Longmeadows, MA).  Suck it up, boyo.