2012 MLB Playoff Brackets

okay, bracket time again (here's a link to last year's game). i'm not married to the scoring, so if anyone has any strong ideas about it, let me know.

Wild Card Game 1 pt.
ALDS/NLDS 2 pts. (best of 5)
ALCS/NLCS 4 pts.
World series 6 pts.

AL Wild Card Game (One game playoff)

NL Wild Card Game (One game playoff)

ALDS (1) (Best of 5)
___ v. NYY

ALDS (2) (Best of 5)

NLDS (1) (Best of 5)
___ v. WAS

NLDS (2) (Best of 5)

so, reply to this post with your picks, all spoilered like, please. be sure to include the score to the wild card games (5 points instead of 1 if you guess right), and the number of games played for each series (x2 points of you guess right)

AL Wild Card Game:
NL Wild Card Game:
ALDS (1):
ALDS (2):
NLDS (1):
World Series:

DEADLINE: Friday, 5 October 2012, 3:30pm CT


WGOM Fitness: October 4, 2012

I'm not sure what was going on yesterday, but I'm feeling better today. I think I was feeling some anxiety, although I'm not sure what would have been causing that. Anyway, I'm back home in Minnesota and although I'm still working today and tomorrow (days 11 and 12 in a row, spoons), at least I'm here with family. I'm also not working the next three weekends, so yay for that. Continue reading WGOM Fitness: October 4, 2012

Game #162 Recap: The beatings are over. Finally. Thank goodness.

Twins 1, Blue Jays 2, wait, seriously? Of Course the Twins would end the season with a whimper.

LP: Diamond (12-9 3.54 ERA), WP: Morrow (10-7 2.96 ERA)

Save (Onesies!): Lyon (1(!))

Welp, as another season of Twins baseball comes to a close so does the another King of the Savers Race. Baltimbrel put up outstanding numbers, they just couldn't keep up with save juggernaut Jim Johnson. Johnson converted 51 of 54 save opportunities to take the gold crown off Dancie McFartsalot. We should all tweet him our congratulations with the hashtag #thankgoodnessthereignofdanciemcfartsalotisover.



There were few positives to this game, and to recap them would take less time than I spent placing the crown on Jim Johnson. I'd like to do an end of season positives, but I feel like focusing my energy on things that don't depress me. I hear the timberpups are going to be fun to watch this season.

Culture club: PS2 in Belfast is an artist run project space where they encourage curators and artists to create challenging exhibitions that focus on urban interventions and social interaction between artists and the greater community of activists and theorists. There will be a more in-depth culture club post on Northern Ireland when I get around to it.

Happy Birthday–October 4

Ray Fisher (1887)
Frank Crosetti (1910)
Red Munger (1918)
Rip Repulski (1928)
Jimy Williams (1943)
Tony LaRussa (1944)
Glenn Adams (1947)
Dave Johnson (1948)
John Wathan (1949)
Lary Sorensen (1955)
Charlie Liebrandt (1956)
Billy Hatcher (1960)
Joe Boever (1960)
Dennis Cook (1962)
Chris James (1962)
Bruce Ruffin (1963)
Mark McLemore (1964)
Steve Olin (1965)
Kyle Lohse (1978)
Tony Gwynn (1982)

Continue reading Happy Birthday–October 4

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.