We could keep this up for a long time, but we'll drop this bomb before we hand the reins over to Zack.
We could keep this up for a long time, but we'll drop this bomb before we hand the reins over to Zack.
chhh chhh chhh...
chhh chh chh BAAA BAA BA.
I honestly cannot push a Women in Rock week without Ani. Seriously, homegirl kills the guitar, and is a ridiculously good songwriter to boot. Going further back in the catalog here, but it's all good.
To be sure, I'm not sure why she skipped the heart of the bridge, but oh well.
I spun some Savages awhile back, but that was before I truly recognized how awesome these women are. Seriously, their debut is fantastic top to bottom. Looking forward to what they put out next.
Instead of wondering if when we were going to play some Karen O, let's just do it now.
(For some reason, the video starts over, sans audio. Whatever.)
And one more for funsies!
We're a little late on International Women's Day, but this week should showcase some kickass ladies. Let's start off with these bastards.
If it wasn't for your mother, you wouldn't be here. Better listen, foo!
These guys are out on tour again. Not much for recent, higher quality videos yet, so we might as well put one up from the day.
FTLT's original prediction was right. These guys keep truckin' on.
Many thanks to the Twaynster for a great DJ week, and he only stepped on our toes once 😉 . Seriously though, good stuff, though he forgot one day: Muesday.
some naughty words in the awkward and rambling interview after the song