Messing Around with the 1987 Bill James Abstract

Last November, Sheenie and I were in Duluth for a wedding and wandered around town.  We stumbled upon an antique store that had a massive collection of books on the second floor.  Eventually, we ended up leaving with about $40 in books (which mean about fifteen books).  Among the ones I snagged was The Bill James Baseball Abstract 1987.  I slowly flipped through it in recent months and found a few items particularly interesting.

Continue reading Messing Around with the 1987 Bill James Abstract

Happy Birthday–July 29

Earl Moore (1877)
George Cutshaw (1886)
Cedric Tallis (1914)
Felix Mantilla (1934)
Don Wert (1938)
Bill Whitby (1943)
Hisashi Yamada (1948)
Dan Driessen (1951)
Greg Minton (1951)
Dave LaPoint (1959)
Luis Alicea (1965)
Mike Williams (1968)
Seth Greisinger (1975)
Ryan Braun (1980)

I had completely forgotten that there was a Ryan Braun who pitched for Kansas City in 2006 and 2007, but it's his birthday today.

Continue reading Happy Birthday–July 29

Remodeled basement. Same half-baked taste.