Category Archives: WGOM

Game 109: Angels 5, Twins 1

Another game, another stellar start from a Twins starter who isn't Scott Baker. To be honest, I went to bed before the end of the game, but that didn't change the outcome. Before I fell asleep, I basically planned on posting a picture of Kevin Slowey and begging that he be called up, but my brain had other ideas.

So last night I had a dream about Kevin Slowey. I was in West Acres, which was a high school. I was high school aged, but I was the Zack I am today instead of the Zack I was in high school. Anyway, I had two random friends with me who don't actually exist, and we were all friends with Slowey.

I don't remember most of the dream, but what I remember is that at one point I got a song stuck in my head and started playing air guitar. I wasn't humming the song, but everyone kind of knew what the song was, and we were an "air band." Mr. Slowey was playing the air bass, and we were jamming out pretty good together. Every few moments, Mr. Slowey reached his hand into this cardboard locker we were standing next to and pulled out a joint which he took many drags off of.

This went on for a bit, and then I woke up. I decided I probably needed to share my dream with you all. I guess there are two morals to the story. First, I have very strange dreams. Secondly, Kevin Slowey needs to be in the rotation. Right now. Maybe I won't have any more weird dreams about him, then.

2011 Game 109: Minnesota Twins at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (MUST WIN GAME!!!!!!11)

the dunce


that other santana

welcome back, span. we're glad you’re still here, and we’re glad to have you back.

the twins come back from a rare day off and face off against the LAAAAAAAAAA angels. on the mound is ervin santana, whom i'm told has been pitching alright as of late. since we’re obviously not having a fire sale, might as well start winning, i guess. now's as good a time the start as any...

tUnE-yArDs – Powa

here is my newfound love, tUnE-yArDs. normally, i'm pretty anti-looping pedal. in fact, i'm normally very anti-looping pedal (especially someone that uses two of them), but merrill garbus makes it work for me. her new studio album "w h o k i l l" is fabulous as well. even peckish jane likes it (which surprised me, i'll admit). anyway, this is one of those acts to keep an eye on:


and for fun, one more after the jump...
Continue reading tUnE-yArDs – Powa

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Game 108: Twins at A’s

Carl Pavano vs. Brandon McCarthy

The Twins need to win this one. This is the worst team they are playing on this road trip and they have pretty much had their way with Oakland as of late. They have not won their last three series. They haven't gone that long without a series win since the end of May, when they lost four series in a row before beginning this turnaround.

McCarthy is having his best season thus far, mainly be becoming a different style of pitcher. He was mainly a flyball pitcher, but with Oakland he has improved his groundball rate by 50 percent. Combine that with moving from the Rangers' to the A's home ballparks and suddenly his HR rate has dropped to a third of what it was. However, his HR/FB rate is at an unsustainable 3 percent this year, so maybe that luck can change today.

Pavano has had a couple bad starts in a row and needs to reverse that trend against the second-worst offense in the AL.

By the time this game starts, we will know if we should be expecting Denard Span to be up in a few days or a new reliever added to the team. Either way, the team will be receiving help. Let's get this momentum going in the right direction. GO TWINS!!